The second known eastern mint denarius of Hadrian and Sabina
Los 211
Hadrian, with Sabina, 117-138. Denarius (Silver, 18 mm, 3.39 g, 6 h), uncertain mint in the East, circa 130-135. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS Laureate head of Hadrian to right. Rev. SABINA AVGVSTI Draped bust of Sabina to right, wearing double stephane and elaborate coiffure. BMC 1029 and pl. 69, 2 (same dies) = RIC 3181 = Strack 78. Cohen 1. Of the highest rarity, apparently the second known example. A few light marks, otherwise, very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

While some imperial couples are known for their deep love and genuine affection, others are notorious for not getting along. Such was famously the case with Hadrian and Sabina. Married in 100 under the auspices of Plotina, Trajan's wife, the union would prove disastrous, largely due to the pair's clashing personalities. Hadrian was cold and aloof, while Sabina had a fiery temper and was ill-content to be kept from any meaningful power. Moreover, the emperor had a clear proclivity for men and very openly enjoyed his escapades (such as with the young Antinoüs), while Sabina saw some of her associates, perhaps even friends, relieved from their posts for being too familiar with her (including the famed biographer, Suetonius), Hadrian even going so far as stating that he would have divorced the empress for her bad temper too, had they been private citizens (SHA, Hadrian, 11.3). Despite this animosity, Sabina was very prominent on Hadrian's coinage, even being the first empress to have regular emissions struck in her name. This particular coin, produced by an uncertain eastern mint, is of exceeding rarity – the other known example, kept in the British Museum, was acquired in 1869, meaning this is the second example to appear in over 150 years!
2500 CHF
2000 CHF
8500 CHF
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